Charlie showed up at my aparment this afternoon. Which was kind of weird, considering he was supposed to be in New York until Saturday. He brought my future mother-in-law with him. I'm not too happy about that. She can't just stay at his house, she has to stay with me, in my crampy little apartment. She makes me so nervous! She watches me like a hawk. I mean, geeze what is the point of this? I'm not going to hurt Charlie by cleaning the bathroom or watching tv. Sorry, but he's a big boy. I think he can handle himself. We don't need mommy holding his hand. And he'll be the first to tell you that.

I'm not sure what else to say, other than I don't think the rest of this week will go very fast for me. Not only did Charlie go back to New York, but he left his mom, to stay with me until Sunday evening. I'm not a happy camper. When she gets older, I swear, she can live with Charlie's brother. She is NOT staying with us. I know that sounds harsh, but honestly I can't stand the woman. I love Charlie, but does that mean I have to love his family?

on Sep 08, 2004
No, you don't have to love his mom, or anyone in his family. However, if he wants to maintain relationships with his family after you are married, you do have to accept that. Had you met his mother before this? Why did he bring her to stay with you, and why did he leave her there when he went back to New York? These actions on the surface seem out of line, but without understanding the reasoning behind them, it's difficult to say. Good luck!
on Sep 08, 2004
However, if he wants to maintain relationships with his family after you are married, you do have to accept that.

I'm alright with his family, I just don't want them staying in my home without him.

Had you met his mother before this?

Once. But it was only for maybe, 5 minutes. So I barely know her. Which is partially why having her here without him bothers me.

Why did he bring her to stay with you, and why did he leave her there when he went back to New York?

He said it was "She's lonely honey. She was just making it hard for me to work with her around, and I figure maybe you two need to spend some time together"

He works in New York 2 weeks out of every month. So he has an apartment in New York, and a house that we just bought together in Boston. I will not live with him until we're married and I already had my apartment, so I've just been staying here and packing the stuff that I don't need right now. Anyways, she's staying here mainly (I think) because she was driving him crazy in New York, and it would just be easier for her to drive me crazy, seeing as how "all" I do is go to college.

I feel a little better now that she's been here for 3 hours and now she's actually talking to me, and she seems to be trying to become friends with me.